New Decade, New me

I honestly don’t remember the goals I established in August but I think it was to procrastinate less, study more and sleep on time. I honestly did not make any progress on my goals. Its not impossible for me but I’m trying to figure out the problems from keeping me to completing my goal. My goals this year is to sleep on time, drink less soda, study more, work out. I’m setting theses goals for this year because high school is coming up, which means I can sports for the high school which can lead to scholarships. I am also setting these goals for the year because I want to get smarter for high school.

In 2030 I would be 24 years old so I would have the best time of my life or have the worst time of my life. Since i would be 24 years old, I would hope to have been moved out of my parents house and own my house/apartment. I hope that I completed high school or went to college to impress my family. I would like my job to be a professional athlete or an Aerospace Engineer. I hope in 2030 I would have a girlfriend to help pay rent and keep me company. In 2030, I do not want kids its a lot of responsibility and 24 is young age to have kids, I also would not like to have debt from ANYONE. I would like to have a Nissan or a Tesla because Nissan is a really good brand in my opinion, I would like to have a Tesla so i can put it on auto drive for long trips.

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